Warehouse and shipping point for Westside bean, hay and grain crops. Location of Federal migrant camp. Westley was laid out, after the building of the railroad, by the big land owner, John Westley van Benschoten, who had been an original member of the John C. Fremont excursion to California in 1846. Later on, he had supplied meat to Fremont's soldiers. With the termination of the contract, van Benschoten purchased extensive land holdings on the Westside on which Grayson and then Westley were located. The name, Westley, was the man's middle name and was chosen as the most appropriate for the community. (Joseph Burton Vasche)
Westley Community Services District
Established August 5, 1969. Collection and treatment of sewage, provision of street lighting and water distribution.
Contact: Connie Payan (209) 484-1096
West Stanislaus Fire Protection District
Established November 16, 1934. Provision of fire protection services.
Contact: Chief Jeff Gregory (209) 895-8130