District 1
Buck Condit
(209) 525-4440
District Map
District 2
Vito Chiesa
(209) 525-6440
District Map
District 3
Terry Withrow
(209) 525-6560
District Map
District 5
Channce Condit
(209) 525-4470
District Map
The County is divided into five Supervisorial Districts and each Supervisor is elected by the constituents within the District. The Board of Supervisors has both legislative and administrative duties and responsibilities.
Next Board Meeting:
The Board meets Tuesdays throughout the year.* The meetings begin at 9:00 a.m., except on the third Tuesday of the month when they are held in the evening. The evening meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. so that people who work during the day have a chance to bring matters of interest to their elected officials.
The meetings are held in the County-City Chambers, located in the basement of 1010 10th Street, Modesto. All meetings are broadcast live on local cable channels and on the County website.
View the FAQ to learn more about Board meetings, including how to address the Board at a meeting, or on the Board Meeting Guide in the Featured Information Section.
About Us
Board Responsibilities
The Board has a variety of administrative and legislative responsibilities affecting county residents.
The Board:- Approves the County's annual budget of approximately $1.5 billion
- Allocates funds for 25 County Departments and agencies, including the Sheriff's Department, the Community Services Agency, the Health Services Agency and the Department of Environmental Resources
- Regulates land use in the unincorporated area through its General Plan, a blue print for growth and development, and zoning laws
The Board is assisted in the administration of the County by the Chief Executive Officer. Duties of the Chief Executive Officer, who is appointed by the Board, include running day-to-day operations, preparing the County budget and overseeing expenditures.
Individual Supervisor Functions
In addition to their Board duties, Supervisors also are members of a number of Boards and Commissions. They include the City-County Committee, the Airport Advisory Committee, the Commission on Aging, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG), the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (Air Board) and the Tuolumne River Regional Park District.
Supervisors also belong to the San Joaquin Valley Supervisors Association, California State Association of Counties and the National Association of Counties. These organizations promote County interests.
*Meetings are subject to change.