Dear Valued Customers,
We would like to inform you that construction will take place in our office from November 2024 to February 2025. During this time, our public counter will be temporarily relocated to the ground floor of 1010 10th Street in downtown Modesto.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding as we make improvements to enhance our facilities for your benefit.

2025-26 Assessment Roll Preparation
The Assessor’s Office is now working to prepare the 2025-26 regular assessment roll, which will be delivered to the Auditor-Controller in late June of 2025. Roll values for the 2025-26 Roll will reflect all factors affecting property value as of 12:01 AM on January 1, 2025. In December we sent out annual exemption claim forms for known claimants who are required to file annually. In January of 2025 we will be sending out annual business and agricultural property statement filing requests.
Please use the links below for specific filing information.
Exemption Claims for the 2025 Lien Date
The annual exemption claim filing deadline is extended this year to: Tuesday, February 18, 2025In the last week of December, the Assessor’s office mails out annual property Exemption Claim forms to all known claimants. Claims for the Welfare Exemption (for qualifying non-profit agencies, including some church properties), Church Exemption, Lessor Exemption, Cemetery Exemption, Library/Museum Exemption, Historic Aircraft Exemption, Public School Exemption, College Exemption and the low-income Disabled Veterans’ Exemption must be filed annually. The basic Disabled Veterans’ Exemption, Homeowners’ Exemption and Religious Exemptions are all one-time filings. Our office does, however, send out an annual questionnaire to existing claimants of the Religious Exemption to determine if any information has changed.
As required by law, and as changes in ownership are processed in our office, the Assessor also mails Homeowner Exemption claim forms to all buyers of residential property. To qualify for a 2025 Homeowner Exemption, the home must be owner occupied as of 12:01 AM January 1, 2025.
For more information, please see Exemptions under Assessments on our main webpage, or contact our Exemptions Division.
Property Statements
All Property Statements are due April 1, 2025, and subject to penalty after May 7, 2025Annual Property statement filing requests are mailed to all known business/agricultural property owners by the end of January. All Business owners and existing Agricultural property online filers will receive an instruction/request letter providing them with a BIN (Business Identification Number) necessary to access our online filing system. Agricultural Property owners who did not previously file online will receive a paper statement and instructions for online filing. I encourage all filers to take advantage of the benefits of online filing. Owners of apartment complexes, boats and aircraft will only receive a paper statement.
For more information access Personal Property under Assessments on our main webpage, or contact our Business Property division.
As the elected Assessor of Stanislaus County, it is my sworn responsibility to uphold the State's Property Tax Laws. Our website is an ongoing part of my commitment to keeping you informed of your rights and responsibilities as property owners in Stanislaus County. To contact our office directly please call (209) 525-6461, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday.
Thank you,
Don H. Gaekle