Notice of Temporary Office Closure:

Our office will be closed on March 21, 2025, from 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m., for an all staff safety meeting.

Appointments for all in person assistance is highly recommended.

Contact us for more information, including how to schedule an appointment. Contact Us

About Us

The Building Permits Division oversees the County's One-Stop Shop for construction permits; provides floodplain administration; and administers the County's abandoned and dangerous building abatement program.

  • One Stop Shop provides a centralized location to submit and obtain construction permits. Permits are reviewed by staff from the Planning Department (building and planning division), Department of Environmental Resources, Public Works, and Fire Warden's Office for compliance with all applicable codes and regulations. A centralized collection of County Public Facilities Fees is also provided. Pre-development meetings with all reviewing departments are available upon request.

  • Floodplain administration includes review of base flood elevation certificates, and processing of FEMA letters of map adjustments.

  • Abandoned and dangerous building abatement program responds to the blight concerns presented by buildings and structures which have deteriorated to an unsafe standard. The programs primary objective is to obtain voluntary compliance by property owners. Through the actions of the County's Nuisance Abatement Hearing Board and the Board of Supervisors, abandoned and dangerous buildings may also be abated by the County with a lien to recover costs placed on the abated property.