Community Health Assessment 2020
The Community Health Assessment provides a comprehensive profile of the health and well-being of our community. It lets us know how our community is doing, the strengths we have and the areas where we are challenged.
The 2020 Community Health Assessment is a product of Stanislaus County Health Services Agency - Public Health Division (HSA/PH), and the Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) Steering Committee. The Stanislaus County Community Health Assessment (CHA) provides a comprehensive view of the health and well-being of Stanislaus County and answers the questions "How 'healthy' is the population of Stanislaus County? What are we doing well and what can we do better"
The CHA is the result of several years' work by HSA/PH and the MAPP Steering Committee. Starting in 2018, HSA/PH convened representatives from private and public agencies, local hospitals, health plans and community-based partners, to form the MAPP Steering Committee. The role of the MAPP Steering Committee included oversight of the process and development of the needs assessment to evaluate the status of health and health-related topics in Stanislaus County. The work began with the development of a shared community vision, "A thriving community where all people have the opportunity to be safe and healthy." This vision was developed by the MAPP Steering Committee to provide an overarching framework for the Assessment, but more importantly to make a collective statement of what an ideal future looks like for Stanislaus County.
Compiled in 2019 from data available at the time, the Assessment provides insight into a variety of topics, that can be used by anyone within the community that has an interest in the health and well-being of all who live in Stanislaus County. The CHA explores the themes of Health, Safety, and Thriving through chapters on Chronic Disease, Infectious Disease, Asthma and Air Quality, Access to Care, Mental Health, Substance Use, Injury Deaths, Violent Crime, Economic Insecurity, Education, Housing and Homelessness, and Transportation. County-wide data is explained with highlights of racial and ethnic, economic, geographic, and age disparities where available. These findings will also be used to inform the upcoming Community Health Improvement Plan, which sets goals and strategies for making a difference in the health of Stanislaus County residents.
The Assessment exemplifies the collective work that occurs within Stanislaus County across multiple agencies, local hospitals, health plans, residents, and other community-based partners. It utilizes secondary data gathered from existing sources including, but not limited to, the U.S. Census, health facilities, law enforcement, public records, state and local government agencies and computerized sources. The assessment pinpoints priority health concerns and calls us all to take action. Click here to see the full report.
If you would like to order a hard copy of this report, click here.