Veterans Commission meets on local issues
Local commission receives update on development of a new one-stop services center for veterans in Stanislaus County.
The Stanislaus County Veterans Advisory Commission recently held its October meeting in Riverbank with nearly 50 people in attendance.
Attendees received an update on a process to receive proposals for the development of a one-stop shop for veterans services in Stanislaus County. The facility would contain a banquet hall, activity and conference rooms, meeting space and social services.
"There are very few public/private partnerships like the County has with the City of Modesto and the Veterans Foundation of Stanislaus County as we work toward development of this Veterans Facility,” stated Patricia Hill Thomas, Chief Operations Officer for Stanislaus County. “We look forward to creating this Center to serve our Veterans with our partners."
Community member Diane Talbert also provided a presentation on activities helping Veterans in the Riverbank area.
The next Veterans Advisory Commission Meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 23 2015, 5:30 pm at County Center III, 921 County Center III Drive, Modesto.